четверг, 20 августа 2009 г.

russian news

новости недели на упрощенном русском языке

Russian Webcasts are posted to the web twice monthly and deliver a survey of the previous two weeks' news in simplified standard Russian Listeners of Voice of America's "Special English" broadcasts will recognize the slightly slower rate of speech and textual redundancy which characterize these webcasts.

Why ? Back in Soviet times, the news was easy to understand. The propaganda-laden messages were predictable and the diction clear and slow. Post-communist newscasts feature telegraphic speech and slurry diction. Our webcasts serve as a stepping stone between the teacher talk of the classroom and the "real" Russian of the media.

Authentic news. The news itself is taken from a number of Russian sites, including Lenta.Ru, Vesti.Ru, Ytro.ru and other authentic sites. The editorial "slant" is left unchanged and should not be taken to represent the views of the NCLRC.

The accompanying exercises include pre-listening background information, vocabulary support, and post-listening activities. The exercises are written in the multiple-choice or fill-in formats. Listeners can check their answers with a mouse click.

rusian cases exercises

The list of grammar exercises below are designed to test your knowledge of Russian grammar. Some parts can be easy; others are quite challenging. If you prefer, review the grammar information on the various grammar pages.

To do these exercises, you must have Cyrillic typing capability within your computer's operating system (ie., Cyrillic capability within Windows or Macintosh). Visit our "Russify Your Computer" site for information on how to install your Cyrillic keyboard. The pages themselves are encoded in the Windows Cyrillic standard, to which you must set your browser in order to view. New pages and further exercises for existing pages are always being developed. Enjoy and good luck! Come visit us again!

russian numbers

Russian numbers the chart

review quiz

Above you see an English word or phrase. Enter the corresponding Russian word or phrase. Don't worry about capital letters, periods, or question marks. 

You may click the picture of the keyboard to enter letters. 

alphabetical order game

alphabetical order game

russian numbers

It's always useful to be able to count in a foreign language. These pages will give you a brief introduction to counting in Russian. Here are the numbers from one to ten:

babla russian

bab.la – это языковой проект Андреаса Шретера, Томаса Шретера и Патрика Юкера. Эта идея крутилась в голове Андреаса в течение долгого времени. За время учебы в школе, Андреасу довелось жить в разных странах – Канаде, Франции, Швеции и США. Он заметил, что иногда знание прямого перевода того или иного слова не помогает в изучении языка или в общении. Вам действительно нужно "жить" языком, чтобы найти нужное слово. Томас и Андреас собирали словари с детства. Таким образом, создание языкового портала было совсем неслучайным событием. Этот портал должен был стать тем местом, где люди, интересующиеся языками, смогут общаться, обмениваться своими языковыми знаниями и изучать языки вместе. Кто может быть лучшим учителем, чем носитель языка?

russian grammar online pdf

Russian Grammar online by Edna Andrews

russian english dictionaries online

Russian english dictionaries online

Russian Interactive Online Grammar here

The Cyrillic Alphabet
Rules of Pronunciation
The Basic Spelling Rules of Russian
The Parts of Speech

The Russian Verb 
Verb Stems and Endings
Rules of Combination
Verbal Accent Patterns
Mutant Consonants
Verbal Aspect

Verbs of Motion
Verbs of Position
Reflexive Verbs

The Russian Noun 
What are Nouns?
Nouns and the Gender Gap
Gender and Agreement
The Noun Case System
The Case Functions in Brief
Noun Irregularities 

The Russian Adjective 
The Adjective Declensions
Adjective Comparison

The Russian Pronoun 
The Personal Pronouns
The Possessive Pronouns
The Demonstrative Pronouns
The Interrogative and Relative Pronouns
The Relative Conjunctive Pronoun kotoryj
The Indefinite Pronouns
The Negative Pronouns
The Reflexive and Reciprocal Pronouns 

The Russian Preposition 
Russian Prepositions with the Nominative Case
Russian Prepositions with the Accusative Case
Russian Prepositions with the Genitive Case
Russian Prepositions with the Dative Case
Russian Prepositions with the Prepositional Case
Russian Prepositions with the Instrumental Case
Saying 'for' in Russian

Time Expressions in Russian
The Russian Conjunction 
Coordinating Conjunctions 
Subordinating Conjunctions
Other Conjunctions
Conjunction Modifiers 

The Russian Word Formation 
Verbal Word Formation 
Noun Word Formation (Coming eventually)
Adjective Word Formation (Coming eventually)

Russian Interactive Online Grammar here

master english on twitter

Hey there! masterrussian is using Twitter.
Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What are you doing? Join today to start receiving masterrussian's tweets.

russian alphabet with sounds

MasterRussian.com site gives you the help you need to master Russian grammar, learn new vocabulary, practice in speaking and reading Russian, and learn fascinating facts about Russian culture and people. 

Here you will find free grammar lessons, useful vocabulary words and phrases, helpful tips on learning the Russian language, and hand-picked links to the best Web sites about the Russian language.


Russian alphabet with sounds in groups
